Why Does Your Business Need Video?
Or Does it?

Video Marketing and development can be confusing to small business owners.

When you mention video marketing most people think of a big production company and a lot of money. With technology these days, video has become more affordable. Most smartphones are capable of capturing video content that you can use for the purpose of creating a great video to promote your business that come across professional and engaging! 

We can work with still images or stock photos, video clips and text combined and putting them together with some music to create an amazing business video and all put together with a purpose in mind! We do not just create, we plan.

Video is a great way to introduce your company to a prospective customer or to a group. If you had the choice to read text on a page, versus watching a short, entertaining video, which would you find more interesting? You guessed it, the video of course!

So, what does this all mean for you, the small business owner? Well first, a short video clip gives a feel and first impression to a prospective customer about what your company does or what the mission statement for the company might be.

Taking it a bit further, you could arrange a marketing plan around product videos, create a testimonial video, or a getting to know the staff video.

The options are endless.

We have also created a variety of informational or “how-to” videos that walk people through a process. We encourage you to post all videos to YouTube for sure!!! If you didn’t know, YouTube is owned by Google and it’s considered the 2nd most popular search engine underneath Google. Many business owners do not realize the importance of incorporating the use of company videos with SEO. 

When people do a Google search and there is a YouTube video, they not only get a blurb of the content but a thumbnail image that makes them more inclined to click on that thumbnail just out of pure curiosity of what that video has to offer. Videos are the best in so many ways!

In the end, you will see from using video, you will have the upper hand on the competition and prospective customers will view you as more cutting edge. Once your competitors see these videos, they too will start posting videos just to stay in the game. Give us a call to see how we can create the perfect business video for you!


To find out more on how video can help your business give us a call at: